Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Odyssey

And so the Odyssey begins.

    I am sitting in the BWI airport waiting for my first flight to Dallas, from which I will fly to Brisbane.  Blessed with kindly assistants at the American Airlines desk, one of which gave me great advice where to go scuba diving in Townsville, and no line at security, I made my way to my departure gate 2 hours early.  Tearful goodbyes behind me and a drawn flower in my pocket from my little brother, I finally feel like this is really happening.  This experience I have waited all my life for has begun and I am thoroughly excited.  In preparation, I began reading a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryon, a fantastic travel author, who is teaching me how to not act like an ugly American.  His book tells of the complicated and often disputed history of Australia along with the tips and tricks he as picked up along the way.  It is quite useful as well as entertaining.  Now I can only hope that I make it through the flight with minimal discomfort and that my bags make it there with me!

    I can now say with confidence that flying with American Airlines is significantly more comfortable that flying Delta and the flight was much better than anticipated.  I now have the international leg of the journey ahead of me to contemplate and it is on the biggest plane I have ever been on. A wide body jet, it seats 8 people across and has two isles, much more impressive than the dinky little jets that I normally fly on, which are half the size.  Paranoia has set in about my bags making it, my transportation being there to pick me up upon arrival, and the track phone I'm going to need to buy, but my excitement at starting this incredible journey is only growing.

    Well I have managed the impossible. i ceased to exit for July 10th.  During that magical day skip, I spent 15 hours on one of the world's longest flights from Dallas to Brisbane. Unfortunately I didn't get to see any of the beautiful South Pacific we were flying over, as we spent the whole time chasing night time, but it wasn't a total loss.  Australians know how to fly.  Not only was everything complimentary, but I started to feel like they were overwhelming me with free stuff.  I was served snack after snack after snack, in a very comfortable seat, as well as receiving dinner and breakfast and complimentary drinks (alcoholic variety included! ;) its ok mom i was good).  I'm pretty sure I could have gone swimming in all the tea and coffee they offered me.  We landed in Brisbane and the airport was deserted, coated in a light drizzle.  I quickly cleared customs and retrieved my bags (thank god they made it!) so I could switch terminals.  After going through security again (they have the same requirements, but are much nicer about things) and re-checking my bags I got on my Townsville flight where I was served breakfast AGAIN as well as fresh fruit an coffee (I cannot tell you how much I love the Australians). 

  I am bone tired, slightly terrified, and tremendously excited. Let the semester begin!

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