Monday, July 23, 2012

My first Reef Dive

On Saturday, a couple of friends and I decided to go scuba diving.  Townville is located right across from Magnetic Island. 


It's not the best diving location in Australia.  The visibility was only about 8m, it was a little cold, and the reef was a bit sparse, but who cares? we would be diving on an area that is basically the beginning of the Great Barrier Reef!  We took a half hour bus ride to the Ferry, a 45min Ferry ride to the Island, and walked for half an hour along a beach to get to the dive shop called Reef Safari, associated with a backpacking Hostel on the island.  For $60 we got a 40min dive and all our gear.  We did a walk in entry off the beach and set off.  It was my first open ocean dive.  I had gone diving in quarries many times, but this was the real deal.  We got to see fish of all kinds, two kinds of rays, an eel and a green turtle.  It was INCREDIBLE.  I was loving every minute of it.  

 My friend and dive buddy Maddie
 cool coral and little fish
 more cool coral cause coral is awesome
 some cool bluish flower like thing.  I have yet to figure out what this is but it is facinating
 more coral, this time including some branching coral!
cool fish
 cool sunfish! :)
 spotted ray hiding amongst the coral
 big fish. this fish had to be at least a foot long
 some sort of sea slug or cucumber which Maddie found. it was only about 4in long
 Jellyfish polyps!
 bull ray. He had to be at least 3ft accross

We had an incredible time and got to see all sorts of cool stuff.  I can't wait to go out again!

Thanks to:

for the map :) 

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